Thursday, March 27, 2008

Anti Government Hippies, and Government Healthcare

If you read Reason's Hit and Run blog you will see the vast majority of what gets me hot and bothered. It's a libertarian think tank that has a similar distaste for statists (read: socialists) and paternalists (read staunch conservatives). They never fail to please, especially with this.

What is it with anti-war protester's and thinking that government as an entity can do nothing right. Hippies should not be saying this, because they're making me agree with them! That cannot be right. At the same time though, before dreadlocks come to rest from their epileptic description of genocide for oil, if asked about universal healthcare, you'll hear about a bunch of mindless drivel about how awesome the government could be if only it had the power to regulate everything healthcare related!

I say government, by the simple fact that they have to manage over 300 million people are incapable of developing, let alone maintaining, a system that is fair (by my standards) and doesn't cause more problems than already exist. The US government is not inherently evil; I would have the same reservations if this system were to be managed by the most benevolent and competent organization in the world.

What is great though, is that the one girl is willing to say that she doesn't fully understand how she hate's government because of war, but looks to the government for all the answers regarding healthcare. She's willing to say she isn't entirely informed. That's awesome! If we are reasonable creatures we have to be willing to acknowledge our lack of knowledge sometimes. I like to think I'd be willing to say I'm wrong (if it ever ends up happening).

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