Why am I such a bastard when it comes to sweatshops? I see a group of people, going to a place of their own volition, and selling someone else their time. As long as these people are not intimidated from quitting, and are choosing to work (as opposed to being forced: slave labor), then I find it hard to fault anyone. Someone is holding out some money, someone else has time and skills. Both exchange what they have, and both (from my point of view) go home at night better off for their decision. Am I looking at this too simplistically?
I have heard it said that we have no moral right to impose our political will on another people. Is this the exception to the rule for the sole reason that in this instance we really know what's best for them (even if they don't know it themselves)? If a person wants to work in a "sweatshop", but cannot, what is their alternative? My guess is that they won't just find a McDonalds or cushy office to work at.
Have I been mislead into believing something inherently evil? Am I a sadistic elitist, wanting nothing more out of life than for the great unwashed masses to do my bidding?
Why don't we force them (those evil foreigners) to pay our equivalent of minimum wage? If not that amount, should we adjust it according to exchange rates, or should we take into account cost of living? People argue that child labor is something that we should rail against as well, because kids get taken advantage of, but I believe that's another article.
Does everyone hate me yet?
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