Check out the three part video series on him at the bottom. If you have 1/2 hour to burn, it's worth it. It gives you the distinct understanding that a high IQ does not mean you have to be a reasonable person. His views just don't seem to fit with our values and mores as a society. In the video series he's asked how he would change the world. Just to give you a taste it could involve such fun as forced sterilization for members of society deemed unfit for procreation, freedom being earned not considered inherent, and if he could he would be perfectly willing to train everyone on how to use their freedom properly (these points are mostly from the third video aroun 1:20 in).
This series is incredible to watch, but terribly distressing that someone can be so competent in cognitive ability, but so lacking in humanistic consideration. Maybe that's just my incredibly inadequate mind not comprehending his genius though.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
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