Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Not surprised...

Interviewing some Obama voters:

Here's an interview with (left leaning election tracking website) regarding this video. This was done back in Nov.

I'm not surprised by this selection of Obama supporters, but I'm not exactly convinced the republican side would be considerably better. I'm sure you could easily get many seemingly well spoken, outgoing, McCain voters who would say equally dumb stuff.

Though this will be fun to watch play itself out, I'm sure it'll end up like this in the media:
- Republicans are calling Democratic voters retarted
- Republicans aren't willing to be as hard on their own just as ill-informed voters
- Republicans hate Obama and aren't willing to accept the will of the people
blah blah blah

I'm excited to see what the next few years holds. I don't think the world is crumbling all around me, but I really wish the liberal side wasn't chosen this time around. I'm most excited to see how race politics will evolve in the next 4,8,12 or so years. I've already heard people predict Bobby Jindall for the Rep. ticket next go round (either 4 or 8 years potentially).

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